Friday, September 3, 2010

September 4, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

It's the last long weekend of the summer, the temperature is dropping, and hopefully, the rain will hold off so I can go to a very interesting festival tomorrow night. Pictures, of course, will follow.

So we're still hanging around the Canadian Museum of Nature, mostly because it's cool and newly renovated. What more could I want?

Today, I'm sharing with you a shot from one of the galleries. More specifically, this is from the RBC Blue Water Gallery, which deals with all things aquatic. This, my fine internet friends, is the rib cage of a blue whale, who's body was washed up on show in Newfoundland. Needless to say, they carefully put her back together (yes, she is a lovely lady!) and have concluded that she was more than likely killed by a ship that broke her spine. Poor Ms. Whale.

However, the sheer size of it makes me think of all things related to being swallowed by a whale. Though I know that this is scientifically impossible because blue whales eat tiny stuff and have the teeth to prove it, it is still an interesting thought!

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