Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September 7, 2010

So tomorrow is finally back to school for yours truly! Hence, in honor of all things academic, I thought I would share with you a picture from the University of Ottawa, my home away from home.

This picture is of Tabaret Hall, which is perhaps the most iconic building on campus. Heck, it's so iconic, it ended up on the University of Ottawa shield. Now home to offices, I have had the pleasure of gracing it's halls, mostly in regards to paying tuition, picking up student ID's, and getting proof that I'm a full-time student. Nevertheless, the beauty of this building, even when I am doing the most basic tasks, always sets me back.

Monday, September 6, 2010

September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day!

A cold, gloomy day needs a cold, gloomy picture. In this case, it's a picture of the National Gallery of Canada. Home to all things artistic and Canadian, the Gallery is another museum filled with light. Though I personally find some of the permanent exhibits ho-hum, I nevertheless like to visit the traveling exhibits and the gift shop. Seriously, they have one of the best gift shops I have ever been to at a museum. And I dig me a good gift shop.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

September 5, 2010

Well, after a week of heat and humidity, the temperature is hovering around 15 degrees and I like it. I like it a lot. So as I a result, I'm sharing with you guys a nice "indoor" picture today.

Today's picture is from inside the Peace Tower (yes, my friends, you can go in it!). At the base of the tower, there is the Memorial Chamber, which is dedicated to the men and women who loss their lives defending our country in countless wars. It's a room rich in symbolism, but I'll let you check that out for yourself.

Overall, it's a quiet, respectful room, filled with dignity for those who have died so that we can be free.

Friday, September 3, 2010

September 4, 2010

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

It's the last long weekend of the summer, the temperature is dropping, and hopefully, the rain will hold off so I can go to a very interesting festival tomorrow night. Pictures, of course, will follow.

So we're still hanging around the Canadian Museum of Nature, mostly because it's cool and newly renovated. What more could I want?

Today, I'm sharing with you a shot from one of the galleries. More specifically, this is from the RBC Blue Water Gallery, which deals with all things aquatic. This, my fine internet friends, is the rib cage of a blue whale, who's body was washed up on show in Newfoundland. Needless to say, they carefully put her back together (yes, she is a lovely lady!) and have concluded that she was more than likely killed by a ship that broke her spine. Poor Ms. Whale.

However, the sheer size of it makes me think of all things related to being swallowed by a whale. Though I know that this is scientifically impossible because blue whales eat tiny stuff and have the teeth to prove it, it is still an interesting thought!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 3, 2010

Happy Friday friends!

Hopefully, today will be the last day of this terrible heat wave and we'll be back down to seasonal temperatures. Fingers crossed!

So back to the Canadian Museum of Nature. This picture was taken from the 3rd or 4th floor of the building, looking down onto the front lobby. It made me feel like I was looking down on little ants. Plus I was also able to see some of the awesome architectural details of the building. The building is in least a 100 years old and thanks to it's age, has so many interesting architectural details that newer buildings do not. I'm sure I'll show you more, especially once you discover my obsession with ceilings and windows!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 2, 2010

As promised, starting today, I'll share with you some pictures of the Canadian Museum of Nature. It was recently re-opened after several years of renovations, which resulted in updated exhibitions and this really awesome addition called the Queens Lantern.

I went on a Thursday night which is good because it is free from 5 pm to 8 pm, but is bad because well, there are A LOT of families, children, and tourists running around. Needless to say, this did not make picture taking the easiest!

So to start at the beginning, here is possibly the most noticeable change to the museum, the Queens Lantern. Named in honor of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II, this glass lantern replaced a tower that used to be there, but was removed because it was sinking. It's really quite beautiful and it brings so much light into the museum.

September 1, 2010

Eek! Where did the summer go? Or for that matter, where did my blog go? Thanks to a good friend who added me to her favorites (Thanks K!), I realized that I haven't updated my blog since, um, April.

Needless to say, there is also a backlog of Ottawa pictures. I suppose that will save me time in regards to taking pictures. So perhaps September can be my new start-over point.

This picture was taken from the Sommerset Pedestrian Bridge overlooking the Rideau Canal. In the distance, you can see Parliament Hill and the Chateau Laurier. I was on my way to the Museum of Nature, which I will have pictures of in the upcoming days.

So Happy End of Summer! And here's to a beautiful autumn and an new school year!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7, 2010

Today was a rough day. Two much caffine, too little sleep, and one final exam later, and I am bushed! But sometimes, it's nice to dream of warm weather, lazy days.

This photo was taken last weekend in that beautiful weather of Parliament Hill as seen from the Alexandria Bridge. A. and I were walking to the Museum of Civilization in Gatineau, but would often stop to admire the sights. It is defiantely a nice walk on a beautiful day.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

April 6, 2010

Since it's rainy today in Ottawa and I'm up to my eyeballs in homework, I thought it would be nice to escape to an easier time, where there was no final assignments or sick group members to deal with. Hence today's shot!

This is from a permanent exhibition at the Canadian Museum of Civilization called Canada Hall. Here the visit can take a trip through Canada's history. It's really the sight to see, plus the actors in it are quite funny.

Monday, April 5, 2010

April 5, 2010

Today's picture is from the Canadian Museum of Civilization. More specifically, one of their ceilings. Feel free to look for it if you ever visit!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

My guests are gone and I'm spending the holiday alone, but really, I don't mind. I'm spending the day around the house, doing laundry, cleaning, and a final assignment. Ah, the joys of graduate studies!

This pretty spring shot was taken in front of my apartment. I looked out the window yesterday morning and I was like, "Oh look! Flowers!". Hence, I'm sharing this beautiful flowers with you all on this beautiful Easter Sunday.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

April 3, 2010

Happy Saturday!

So it's a balmy 27 degrees today in Ottawa, hence making me want to stay inside in my nice chilly apartment. However, when guests are here from out of town, that is not an option!

This picture is a close-up of the Justitia statue, or lady justice, outside of the Supreme Court of Canada. It's a beautiful piece standing in front of an art deco building. It is definately a fitting piece of art for the Supreme Court of Canada.

Friday, April 2, 2010

April 2, 2010

My friend, A. and her sister, K. are in town till tomorrow, so we spent the day seeing the sites. One of the places we stopped at was the War Memorial, hence the picture of the day.

This is the close-up of the Tomb of the Unknown soldier. Though a recent addition to the War Memorial, it is the most touching. I often stop in front of it when I walk in front of the War Memorial. It makes me appreciate Canada's role in World War I and II.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1, 2010

Here we are, the first photo of the new blog! And what better way to start than with a picture of Parliament.

It was a beautiful day here in Ottawa, approximately 20 degrees. Hence, a beautiful spring shot.

This was taken in Major Hill Park, which is just across the canal from the Hill. I loved how the trees are framing the Peace Tower, making it a beautiful spring-y shot.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Welcome to (365) Days of Ottawa!

The goal of this blog is to offer a daily picture of Ottawa, from the viewpoint of yours truly. Though there will be the typical touristy pictures, I hope to also offer pictures of places off the beaten path, spots that are known to locals, and places that to me, just sum up Ottawa.

I hope you enjoy and check back often! The first photo will be up on April 1st, 2010!